In commemorating a decade since its inception, the much-acclaimed light novel series, KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! is unveiling a captivating collection of short stories. Crafted by the original creator, Natsume Akatsuki, and brought to life with illustrations by series artist, Kurone Mishima, this collection is a tribute to the journey that began in 2013.
Slated for release on September 29, both in physical and digital formats, this KonoSuba short story anthology is titled Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Yori Michi 3 Eme!, translating to KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! For The Third Time!. The offering from Kadokawa promises a delightful dive into whimsical narratives featuring beloved characters embroiled in intriguing escapades.
Within the pages, readers will traverse through tales of Megumin sprouting devil horns, Darkness embracing her villainous side, Wiz and Vanir entangled in a business disagreement, alongside excerpts from Kazuma’s diary depicting his chaotic yet endearing camaraderie with Aqua and their quirky companions.
Since its humble beginnings as a draft web novel on the notable self-publishing platform, Syosetu, KonoSuba has woven a rich tapestry of 17 volumes before concluding in 2020. Its legacy blossoms through various spin-offs, side stories, and an animated series, which are a testament to its enduring allure.
The storyline of KonoSuba, available on Crunchyroll, follows the misadventures of Kazuma Sato, who, after a fleeting life cut short by a traffic mishap, finds himself in a fantastical realm alongside a goddess named Aqua. As they navigate through a world governed by a demon king, the duo’s contrasting desires set the stage for a series of humorous and exciting exploits.
Furthermore, fans can look forward to more animated antics as the third season of the KonoSuba TV anime is set to grace screens in 2024.
Source: Kadokawa